The Interview Project takes the viewer on a journey of self-actualization.
We follow a select group of people over an extended period of time as they attempt to break free of past conditioning to discover who they really are.
With the help of an interviewer and a licensed therapist we go deep into the process of self-healing to learn what it truly means to find your own voice.
The aim is to help our select group of people discover themselves, with the hope that it will inspire the viewer to do the same.
The show is intimate, raw, and honest, the invitation you’ve been waiting for to be yourself.
This is your moment: What makes YOU feel free?
The Interview Project was named a project because it constantly evolves, as it searches for who we are and what it means to live a human life. Everything in this world is ever-changing: the time in the day, the cells in your body, the ideas in your brain.
So, who are you in this very moment? Not yesterday, not tomorrow, right here, right now?
“I’m never the same; but I’m always myself.” (Emma Watson)
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Watching The Interview Project is like overhearing an intimate, private conversation:
"It’s almost as if you’re walking into a room and people are in the middle of a conversation, and you walk in and sit down quietly and listen... It’s a real moment that’s happening… There is no sense of performance involved.” (Rick Rubin)